How will it fit?

A Standard Size or Purpose Made Garage Door?

How will it fit?

Believe it or not there are FOUR alternative ways to fit a new garage door to most garages depending upon how the finished installation should look and how much room is needed for access.  When replacing a garage door you don't necessarily have to stick with the existing layout.

LAYOUT 1 - typically the neatest and the one that give the most room inside the garage with the garage door set within the garage opening and with the frame showing at both sides and at the top.  This allows for the garage door to be set forward making the most of the internal length of the garage but at the expense of reducing the overall access width and height.  This layout is pretty well standard for side hinged garage doors and common for up and overs and for sectional doors.  It is possible but not ideal for roller doors due to their large headroom requirements for the axle and box.

LAYOUT 2 - the layout that gives the most access width and height with the door set behind the garage opening with the frame completely or largely hidden.  This layout is ideal for all types of garage door apart from some side hinged garage doors due to the use of flag hinges.

LAYOUT 3 - a sort of cross between layouts 1 and 2 with the door set behind the garage opening but with the top of the frame completely showing.  This layout is quite commonly used when installing new up and over garage doors, allowing the use of a standard sized door allowing optimum access width but limiting the height in order to avoid the additional cost of a purpose made up and over garage door.  It tends not to apply to other types because there is no extra cost for having the new garage door sized to suit for roller doors, sectional doors and side hinged doors.

LAYOUT 4 - another cross between layouts 1 and 2 for use in garages in which the garage structure does not open out behind the opening, with one or both side walls flush with the opening.  In this layout the frame shows completely at both sides but the top of the frame is set behind the lintel for optimum access height.  Sometimes also used in garages in which the structure opens out behind the garage opening but where the lintel is set forward.

Most of the garage doors that we install are purpose made for optimum fit.

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