Best Buy - Insulated Sectional Garage Door

A Stylish and efficient  Insulated Sectional Garage Door

Best Buy - Insulated Sectional Garage Door

This insulated sectional garage door is available in 4 ribbed designs (micro, small, medium and the premium large ribbed design) and a Georgian panelled design each with a free upgrade to a modern anthracite grey finish.

Each sectional door comprises 4 or more 40mm thick insulated panels purpose made to suit your garage with an integral steel frame.  It opens and closes without any outswing much like a roller door but unlike a roller door typically requires much less headroom (only 100mm) and so is versatile enough for fitting either within your garage opening or behind it for added access width and height.

There is a huge choice of colour and wood-effect finishes available.

With a Sectional Garage Door the larger the garage door the better the value.  As shown, this garage door costs less than a conventional up and over!

To contact us for more information click on the 'Add to Your Basket' button.  It will cost you £1.20 (which is fully refundable).

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